domenica 30 agosto 2015

L'esperienza di un volontario al centroAnidra

I want to write this message in english because is the first language that I used here, and this has improved my english. Now I'm tired but happy for everydays spent in this beautiful place in wich I start to learn many things of my self. We are only two volunteers, but it's good the same. There is a lot of work, it's true (it's not holyday Emoticon wink ), but in this place you can work with others volunteers into the nature: the approach is too much different, because you can discover always new points of view about you and the people around you. You can check your mental limits and decide to fight and finally overcome them. In this process you are alone, it's true, but you can open really your mind and know the language, the accent, the thinking, the mood and the sound of the rest of the world. Also the Staff of centro Anidrais beautiful: they work for you everyday, they are real kind and many of these very exemple of life. If you try to talk with them, you can find special and simple people. This combination of Staff and other volunteers can help you to have a big vision of your life: for example, I understood that if I want travel I don't need much money, that one smiley can change your day, that sweetness is not only a gift but can be a way of life, that in every prejudices you can find your unreal limits, that you don't need to stay with other people to feel good with yourself, that it's time to stop to complain for everythings that's wrong in my opinion, that when it's time to work is beautiful to give all of me. Take care of yourself but look around of you, taste the world and do experiences. And so, after all that has happened in my life, I understood that I can't keep to control people and relations around me: I can only control and evolve myself. Problems are opportunities.

Miss you all

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